LivsPinrin 利九星
天然植物多結構胜肽,調控肝臟機能、活化肝細胞,代謝化學酒精性毒素,調理(解酒 解宿醉)優勢說明
5、唯一調控逆轉 肝硬化→脂肪肝→酒精肝→肝炎等的配方輔助產品。
1. The result of accurately researching and concocting formulae from actural testing on humans in a clinical setting by a team of clinical physicians; Researched and developed by a team of medical doctors, professors, and clinical physicians in California, U.S.A;
Based mainly on clinical naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine built on a foundation of Western medicine, and complemented by Tibetan medicine and India's Āyurveda medicine, German plant medicine, and others, blended and compatible with the functions of natural herbal plants, and manufactured with extracts of complex amino acids;
Results obtained by actural clinical nursing and testing on humans by clinical physicians.
2. A product that no ordinary naturopathic medical diet therapy or un of the mill pharmacists or dieticians in pharmaceutical factories would be able to research and develop, and obtain results from clinical testing on a mass scale.
3. Th formula is concocted from pure plant materials solely researched and developed in-house by our R & D team. Contains no raw materials from animals, a product that, when taken, has no dangerous side effects such as myocardial infarctions, strokes.
4.The product has obtained China's “CFDA Food” Certificate No. G20120154; As verified by experimemts, the product has the capability to protect chemically-induced liver damage, restore hepatic cell efficiency, bolster and nourish the digestive mechanism in the spleen and stomach, promote metabolism, when consuming alcohol, it aids in the production of body fluids to quench thirst, dispels the effects of a alcohol, eliminates buzz, hangovers, and helps boost capacity for alcohol consumption.
5. It is only formula supplement that reverses cirrhosis fatty liver alcoholic liver disease hepatitis.
6. Currently, no drugs in Western medicine Non-bacterial drugs are able treat and reverse liver disease.
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 延伸閱讀】
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】天然植物多結構胜肽 輔助護肝 解酒 解宿醉
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】Arisona Health of U.S.A Inc. 研發醫師團隊介紹
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】植物多結構胜肽 成份功能介紹
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】植物多結構胜肽 病理與藥理機轉
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】植物多結構胜肽 臨床實測數據
【LivsPinrin利九星/久仙 】植物多結構胜肽 國際CFDA認證
【保肝 解酒 解宿醉 討論區 延伸閱讀】
※※薑黃 牛樟芝 葛根 可解酒、解宿醉?醫師:解酒、解宿醉大破解!
※※世界各地「怪異解酒法」西西里島民吃公牛的陰莖 你試過哪一種?
※※美國大學生每年因過度飲酒酒醉死亡四千人 要飲酒前先預防酒醉
※※飲酒前不先預防酒醉、宿醉 美國大學校園狂飲人數增加 酗酒死亡上升!
【調經 天然植物多結構胜肽 延伸閱讀】
※ Arisona Health of U.S.A Inc. 研發醫師團隊介紹
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